Week 1 days 1 and 2 summary
I love Genesis. What I find most interesting is that G-d chose Moses to write the first 5 books of our history. That says something about the relationship that he had with Moses. The word tells us that G-d has never dealt with a man face to face as he did with Moses. He was known for his piety and meekness. I love that. Adam may have been the first man of his generation, but he was not chosen to be the keeper of all that G-d wanted to share with us about his work, his ways, his law--our destiny. He gave all of that to Moses.
Anyway...In the first Chapter I wrote the following down--nothing major just a few notes
Everything had a place. G-d was very specific about how things were to be designed and divided.
v5 evening to morning constitutes a day to G-d (Jesus confirms this in John 11:9)
v7 there is water in heaven
v11 earth was given the power to bring forth seed--He has allowed the very dirt to create--why do we doubt our ability to do the same thing? It's more than having babies--we can bring forth what we say and see it.
God named everything he Wanted to see. Not like us, we speak even that we don't want to see and then when it happens we try to figure out why it happened.
v16 The greater light--symbolic of good, the lesser light--symbolic of evil---
Day of course is symbolic of good/light and night-darkness/evil represents a time of adversity when the enemy seems to be running rampant in our lives.
This is why the scripture says that weeping may endure for a night...(psalm 30:5) Night is a season .
John says that light is life--light shines in darkness and darkness comprehends it not--(John 1:5)the enemy can not comprehend the things which we have within our power to triumph over him--
Good rules over evil--we have to know how to combat that evil so that we do conquer everytime.
Okay sorry, I went to far that time.
V27 male and female were created at the same time--we just didn't show up at the same time.
We were all created at the same time. We simply enter in different generations.
How do I know this--show me any other place where G-d made anything else after chapter 3.
V28 we are told to replenish--the word refers to restocking used items--we were to replace what we used
Chapter 2
v1 says that G-d was finished with heaven and earth
v2 says that he ended all his work.
v3 the 7th day is blessed ans sanctified.
v4 everything has generations
Okay now this is where it gets to be really fun--v5 nothing had come forth yet because there was no man yet to till the earth--Where was this man still at since they were created back in chapter 1? In heaven. We all come from heaven in our time and season.
v6 says that G-d watered the earth by way of a mist and then...in v7 he created the man. Adams purpose was to farm. And he came from dust--can there be anything smaller or insignificant than dust? Yet we are his greatest creation. He loves us even as insignificant we seem to be--we are the work of his hands. Which brings in another point. Later on in the bible when G-d says that we were not to worship any other g-d--well we are G-ds according to psalm 82:6 and John 10:34. He's even specific enough to say worship and serve no other g-ds.
He admonishes us not to follow g-ds that are the work of hands. Things and people.
Anyway... G-d breathing into mans nostrils the breath of life is powerful--he did that through his mouth--that reminds me again that it's all in the mouth.
v8 he planted the garden for Adam. And not just anywhere but eastward-the place and direction was specific. That's let's me know that sometimes we are messed up because we are in the wrong place. I can testify that I have found myself in a place that he was definitely not in.
So he goes along describing all the things that were in the earth at the time and not until v 15 does he put the man in the garden. We are never anywhere good that the father did not put us. If you ever get caught up thinking otherwise, you won't be there very long--ask Adam. You are also there for a reason. There is work to do there.
Now when commands the man to not eat of the tree it was for his protection not to withhold anything good from us. He has more information on that thing than we do. The death he talks about is of course, spiritual not physical. If you are spiritually dead, you may as well be physically dead. G-ds hand not on your life, I can't even imagine what that must be like. Even in sin his hand was still on our lives otherwise we wouldn't be here. The devil is not a preserver-he's a killer. Excuse me--murderer. Killing can be justified, murder isn't. Imagine being the devil and not being able to come before G-d at any time...Scary.
Now even though G-d says that it is not good for man to be alone--he doesn't just plop Eve down in the garden. Time went by. Why do we then just pick people without being as considerate of ourselves? When songs say that he's better to us than we are to ourselves, it's true. What we pick is never what he would pick. Our standards are too low. We want a Camry and he's thinking of a Maybach! You ask for a job and he wants to talk to you about owning a company.
So while Adam is waiting for Eve he is...doing the things that G-d gave him to do. He's learning how to be faithful and diligent. The way a man works for G-d is the way he will work for a wife and family. G-d wants to make sure he's capable of doing what he is supposed to be doing and women...Well I won't even go there. This is bible study after all.
G-d put Adam to sleep. and pulled eve out of him...Soulmates. I won't comment on that either. I could literally go on about that too.
Men should cleave to the wife that he has been given by G-d. He didn't do a search for his wife G-d created her for him and then brought her to him. And finally Naked and not ashamed...Intimacy and communication. Something that tends to be lacking in most relationships.
That's what I have for Genesis. I'm scared to talk about Matthew. But I will--next post.
Anyway...In the first Chapter I wrote the following down--nothing major just a few notes
Everything had a place. G-d was very specific about how things were to be designed and divided.
v5 evening to morning constitutes a day to G-d (Jesus confirms this in John 11:9)
v7 there is water in heaven
v11 earth was given the power to bring forth seed--He has allowed the very dirt to create--why do we doubt our ability to do the same thing? It's more than having babies--we can bring forth what we say and see it.
God named everything he Wanted to see. Not like us, we speak even that we don't want to see and then when it happens we try to figure out why it happened.
v16 The greater light--symbolic of good, the lesser light--symbolic of evil---
Day of course is symbolic of good/light and night-darkness/evil represents a time of adversity when the enemy seems to be running rampant in our lives.
This is why the scripture says that weeping may endure for a night...(psalm 30:5) Night is a season .
John says that light is life--light shines in darkness and darkness comprehends it not--(John 1:5)the enemy can not comprehend the things which we have within our power to triumph over him--
Good rules over evil--we have to know how to combat that evil so that we do conquer everytime.
Okay sorry, I went to far that time.
V27 male and female were created at the same time--we just didn't show up at the same time.
We were all created at the same time. We simply enter in different generations.
How do I know this--show me any other place where G-d made anything else after chapter 3.
V28 we are told to replenish--the word refers to restocking used items--we were to replace what we used
Chapter 2
v1 says that G-d was finished with heaven and earth
v2 says that he ended all his work.
v3 the 7th day is blessed ans sanctified.
v4 everything has generations
Okay now this is where it gets to be really fun--v5 nothing had come forth yet because there was no man yet to till the earth--Where was this man still at since they were created back in chapter 1? In heaven. We all come from heaven in our time and season.
v6 says that G-d watered the earth by way of a mist and then...in v7 he created the man. Adams purpose was to farm. And he came from dust--can there be anything smaller or insignificant than dust? Yet we are his greatest creation. He loves us even as insignificant we seem to be--we are the work of his hands. Which brings in another point. Later on in the bible when G-d says that we were not to worship any other g-d--well we are G-ds according to psalm 82:6 and John 10:34. He's even specific enough to say worship and serve no other g-ds.
He admonishes us not to follow g-ds that are the work of hands. Things and people.
Anyway... G-d breathing into mans nostrils the breath of life is powerful--he did that through his mouth--that reminds me again that it's all in the mouth.
v8 he planted the garden for Adam. And not just anywhere but eastward-the place and direction was specific. That's let's me know that sometimes we are messed up because we are in the wrong place. I can testify that I have found myself in a place that he was definitely not in.
So he goes along describing all the things that were in the earth at the time and not until v 15 does he put the man in the garden. We are never anywhere good that the father did not put us. If you ever get caught up thinking otherwise, you won't be there very long--ask Adam. You are also there for a reason. There is work to do there.
Now when commands the man to not eat of the tree it was for his protection not to withhold anything good from us. He has more information on that thing than we do. The death he talks about is of course, spiritual not physical. If you are spiritually dead, you may as well be physically dead. G-ds hand not on your life, I can't even imagine what that must be like. Even in sin his hand was still on our lives otherwise we wouldn't be here. The devil is not a preserver-he's a killer. Excuse me--murderer. Killing can be justified, murder isn't. Imagine being the devil and not being able to come before G-d at any time...Scary.
Now even though G-d says that it is not good for man to be alone--he doesn't just plop Eve down in the garden. Time went by. Why do we then just pick people without being as considerate of ourselves? When songs say that he's better to us than we are to ourselves, it's true. What we pick is never what he would pick. Our standards are too low. We want a Camry and he's thinking of a Maybach! You ask for a job and he wants to talk to you about owning a company.
So while Adam is waiting for Eve he is...doing the things that G-d gave him to do. He's learning how to be faithful and diligent. The way a man works for G-d is the way he will work for a wife and family. G-d wants to make sure he's capable of doing what he is supposed to be doing and women...Well I won't even go there. This is bible study after all.
G-d put Adam to sleep. and pulled eve out of him...Soulmates. I won't comment on that either. I could literally go on about that too.
Men should cleave to the wife that he has been given by G-d. He didn't do a search for his wife G-d created her for him and then brought her to him. And finally Naked and not ashamed...Intimacy and communication. Something that tends to be lacking in most relationships.
That's what I have for Genesis. I'm scared to talk about Matthew. But I will--next post.