Question and Answer Wednesday…
As I say all the time, I am no expert….I answer from what I have learned, what G-d has shown me and from my own personal experience.
Serenity asked...
One question, prophecy? I've heard you say that when a prophet tells you something it should be a confirmation from what you've already received from God. I've also read that prophecy is not telling the future. So, exactly what is prophecy and how does it operate today?
Well, there are times when G-d will call you out of a place and you will be at home until he sends you somewhere else. Before I found the ministry I am in now, I was at home. Not because of a bad experience but because I was getting more from G-d at home then the man in the pulpit could give me. But it was for a small season.
People have to be healed when things have gone awry in a church. But they have to be willing for G-d to do that in order for it to take place. The enemy wants us to hold onto that because while we do we are uncovered from a spiritual head and he desires to work on us during that time. Our Shepherd is not only our link to deliverance, but also our link to our purpose. The enemy knows that so he sends people--devils--in the church to separate us from the place and usually when he does that we tend to disconnect from G-d as well and ultimately purpose. Origianlly churches were in people's homes BUT they were called to that. While you can build a relationship with G-d from home, you will never gro to the point where you won't need someone to teach you something if you yourself are not called to preach. Church is the place where we are to be fed. It's where we learn and are prepared for the world and the work we are anointed to do. The incident that hurts you is the area that you are anointed in to heal someone else in a local assembly. That's what fellowship is about. Jeremiah 3:15 says that G-d would give us pastors after his heart to feed us with kowledge and understanding. That's the purpose of church.
If you know someone in that predicament just lift them up in prayer and encourage them to return to church. Encourage them to pray that G-d will show them where they need to fellowship at. We really can’t go anywhere like we think we can. When I left my last church, I had G-d confirm this place for me. And even though people try me there and some ignore me, snub me and even think I am ignorant--whatever--I will not leave there except that G-d moves me. I know that Man is my Spiritual Father. He carries me in his belly with the word he preaches. I can’t leave. The devil is a lie. The mere fact that the people are bothering me is a clear indication that I am in the right place. At all my other churches people were wonderful and nice all the time. I look back and I find that weird now. Shoot, Judas was one of the 12, he had been given power(an anointing) by Jesus like all the rest and he was used by the devil. And let’s not mention that Peter had an issues with John. That was church. So why would I expect it to be any different for me?! I have just learned to roll with the punches. It hurts sometimes but I allow G-d to minister to me. He will encourage you and build you up so that you can stand anywhere.
Serenity asked...
One question, prophecy? I've heard you say that when a prophet tells you something it should be a confirmation from what you've already received from God. I've also read that prophecy is not telling the future. So, exactly what is prophecy and how does it operate today?
I am in ministry in a prophetic house. My Spiritual Father is a prophet, not simply the office of a prophet but it is who he is. With that said, Prophecy is given to confirm and therefore exhort and edify(1 Corin 14:3) I don’t know why people say that prophecy will not tell future events because it will. Anything that has not already happened is a future event. Now, I think that people don’t like prophecy because they are scared that it’s like fortune telling. What they fail to understand is that before fortune telling was prophecy was. Fortune telling is simply a perversion of prophecy. It’s not that the information is not correct, it’s how they get the information. They get it from familiar spirits and not G-d. Acts 16:16 is an example of that as well as 1 Samuel 28:6-15.
Now, for some reason people always want to say what no longer exists or operates in the kingdom. Like they say that we are no longer under the law--but what part of the law are you talking about? No we don’t offer sacrifices for sin anymore, Jesus came to fulfill that. But G-d still expects us to follow the commandments--but that’s another post. Prophecy is still alive and well today. If it were not so then why would G-d tell us in the last days he would pour out his spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams--he said that in 2 places--Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17. Surely he wasn’t lying! I myself dream dreams. I keep track of them because it takes some time for me to understand some of them. Others, I wake up and I know exactly what they mean. It is said that it is a gift of prophecy. It’s only usable to me currently so, we’ll see when the gift develops a little more. Jesus operated in the prophetic. The scriptures say that he knew within himself what they thought.( Matthew 12:25, Luke 6:8) That’s prophecy. Now if he came to be our example, when then would we not experience the same things? Paul as well said in acts 27:10 that the ship he was on would encounter trouble. The events are New Testament, new covenant gifts(1 Corin 12). We are all given them by the choice of the Holy Spirit.
Now, the point is that the gifts operate the same way as they did in the old covenant only then you could only get a word from the Priest the Prophet or the King. Basically those who were set apart for the work that concerned the people. The spirit of G-d would COME UPON them and they would have a word from G-d. Now, anyone can have it because he has poured out his spirit upon all of us and because Jesus went back to the Father so that the Comforter could come. He dwells IN us. So that’s why the scriptures say that we have an unction from the holy one to know ALL things(1 John 2:20). Unction means a “knowing”. So prophecy can come in a the form of a dream, a word in your mind from G-d, a vision. We’ve all walked in it without knowing it. You know when you feel like you know someone or you’ve been a place before--when it happens to me I feel like I am operating in a sorta slow motion. The world calls it De ja vu--G-d calls it prophecy. When G-d shares something with you he will confirm it with signs and wonders. Like someone else will tell you what he told you and you never told them that. That’s another reason way it is so important to learn to keep things to ourselves, so that we know that confirmations are just that. The are not contaminated with people. I’ve ha a word confirmed to me on billboards, in the title of a book on a shelf immediately after G-d had told me something. But he will confirm it.
What I was saying with it being confirmation to you, is that he will have already spoken to you prior to telling someone else. I have never known him to tell anyone anything that he hadn’t already told them first. I’ve never seen nor have I witnessed it in the word. Anything anyone has ever told me was merely a confirmation of what he has already spoken to me.
Chele asked…
Chele asked…
How do you respond to someone who "forsakes the fellowship" because they feel as though their relationship with God works fine without going to church. This is a person who is a believer, reads the bible and prays daily but has been turned off by church folk.
Well, there are times when G-d will call you out of a place and you will be at home until he sends you somewhere else. Before I found the ministry I am in now, I was at home. Not because of a bad experience but because I was getting more from G-d at home then the man in the pulpit could give me. But it was for a small season.
People have to be healed when things have gone awry in a church. But they have to be willing for G-d to do that in order for it to take place. The enemy wants us to hold onto that because while we do we are uncovered from a spiritual head and he desires to work on us during that time. Our Shepherd is not only our link to deliverance, but also our link to our purpose. The enemy knows that so he sends people--devils--in the church to separate us from the place and usually when he does that we tend to disconnect from G-d as well and ultimately purpose. Origianlly churches were in people's homes BUT they were called to that. While you can build a relationship with G-d from home, you will never gro to the point where you won't need someone to teach you something if you yourself are not called to preach. Church is the place where we are to be fed. It's where we learn and are prepared for the world and the work we are anointed to do. The incident that hurts you is the area that you are anointed in to heal someone else in a local assembly. That's what fellowship is about. Jeremiah 3:15 says that G-d would give us pastors after his heart to feed us with kowledge and understanding. That's the purpose of church.
If you know someone in that predicament just lift them up in prayer and encourage them to return to church. Encourage them to pray that G-d will show them where they need to fellowship at. We really can’t go anywhere like we think we can. When I left my last church, I had G-d confirm this place for me. And even though people try me there and some ignore me, snub me and even think I am ignorant--whatever--I will not leave there except that G-d moves me. I know that Man is my Spiritual Father. He carries me in his belly with the word he preaches. I can’t leave. The devil is a lie. The mere fact that the people are bothering me is a clear indication that I am in the right place. At all my other churches people were wonderful and nice all the time. I look back and I find that weird now. Shoot, Judas was one of the 12, he had been given power(an anointing) by Jesus like all the rest and he was used by the devil. And let’s not mention that Peter had an issues with John. That was church. So why would I expect it to be any different for me?! I have just learned to roll with the punches. It hurts sometimes but I allow G-d to minister to me. He will encourage you and build you up so that you can stand anywhere.
I hope I was able to answer your questions.
Be Blessed.
**Stay tuned--tomorrow: Things women do to screw their lives up! It promises to be raw as I will be speaking from a very personal standpoint!
Be Blessed.
**Stay tuned--tomorrow: Things women do to screw their lives up! It promises to be raw as I will be speaking from a very personal standpoint!
Thanks for the explanation of prophecy. And I cannot wait til tomorrow. What time? CST? in the a.m. or the p.m.? Just kidding.
Posted by
Serenity3-0 |
9:31 PM
Thanks! I really appreciate your insight.
Posted by
chele |
2:09 PM
Comments to Serenity'S QUESTION & RESPONSE: God spoke to Jeremiah woh was a prophet and prohesided the fall of Jerusalem. Was that not event that would happen in the future? Fortune Telling is for "False Prophets" "Prophesy is from God. In in our days I do believe that it comes through words, dreams, thoughts, signs etc. If we focus on the spirit that has been poured out on us we soon will learn through confirmation what is being prohesied in our lives, some don't understand becuase God has given of the option to CHOOSE HIM or to CHOOSE the WORLD. My Pastor once said: " If you want to be Gods choice, ask him, If you want to be the choice of the people (World), keep in mind that you will only be their choice for A SEASON!"
Posted by
My-Conscience |
2:26 PM
PS: didn't proof read my spelling. Sorry.
Posted by
My-Conscience |
2:27 PM
That was quite informative, Chosen... on point, as usual...
Posted by
LadyLee |
8:30 AM