The truth about biblical divorce
I wanted to shed some light on divorce and "putting away" as it is written in the word. I stumbled across this when I was writing about my current bible study for this week.
Putting away and divorce is not the same thing. Putting away means divorcing without alimony payments. By Jewish Law, this what was meant by putting away was that the woman had committed fornication and she was to receive no monetary compensation. Therefore, when preachers say that G-d hates divorce that is not true--he hates "putting away" because the act of fornication was committed.
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Putting away and divorce is not the same thing. Putting away means divorcing without alimony payments. By Jewish Law, this what was meant by putting away was that the woman had committed fornication and she was to receive no monetary compensation. Therefore, when preachers say that G-d hates divorce that is not true--he hates "putting away" because the act of fornication was committed.
In Israel, a divorce is called a "get". This is a writing or a bill of divorcement that entitles the one who possesses the "get" to financial compensation. (I mention Israel because they are the originators and keepers of the entrustment of the law). G-d is interested in protecting the innocent and therefore this was the original intent of the "bill of divorcement" that Moses was referring to in Deuteronomy 24:1, 3. Incidentally, there is no gender in the matter to G-d because a woman may be obligated as well to pay her husband alimony. Therefore, fornication is not the only reason for Biblical Divorce.
Here are some basic reasons why a woman could divorce her husband (these are from the Talmud or the commentary of Jewish Rabbis on the Law: **this is used because it was said that some things that G-d were to holy to write down that he revealed to men. We happen to know that he does this from time to time in the scriptures. See Daniel 12:13 and Rev 10:4) **
Here are some basic reasons why a woman could divorce her husband (these are from the Talmud or the commentary of Jewish Rabbis on the Law: **this is used because it was said that some things that G-d were to holy to write down that he revealed to men. We happen to know that he does this from time to time in the scriptures. See Daniel 12:13 and Rev 10:4) **
1. If he was afflicted with a loathsome disease or that disease was not disclosed prior to marriage because he hid something that should have been disclosed prior to marriage. Having a disease that he cannot be healed from is an indication that he is not in right standing with G-d.
2. If a man was impotent or sterile or suffered from pre-ejaculation. Marriage is designed with specific intents and to keep one confined happily and Pre-ejaculation meant that he was unable to sustain the act of sex thus causing discontentment by a woman. Therefore, it is not intercourse but merely foreplay.
3. If he cannot provide material or financial needs. (Exodus 21:11)
A woman can leave a man without having to pay him any alimony in this instance. Marriage in the bible was designed so that the man would provide, protect, and preserve a woman. That is why they took more than one wife so that they could then also care for widows and keep them from becoming destitute and possibly whores.
A woman can leave a man without having to pay him any alimony in this instance. Marriage in the bible was designed so that the man would provide, protect, and preserve a woman. That is why they took more than one wife so that they could then also care for widows and keep them from becoming destitute and possibly whores.
4. Physical or verbal abuse--if G-d was worried about the treatment of animals, he is also worried about the treatment of women.
5. If he forces you to violate the word. Acts 5:29 is relevant in this case.
6. A foul occupation--meaning his occupation either causes embarrassment or is illegal.
7. Relocation --meaning he is attempting to separate her from her man of G-d because this is the man that she has been assigned to by G-d so that he can feed her spirit.
8. Apostate/agnostic/atheistic--meaning he does not believe what you believe and is therefore in a backslidden condition. He is literally spiritually dead in the eyes of G-d and therefore he can cause a snare to her and they are therefore unequally yoked. Romans 7:2-3. Biblically death implies separation and therefore if he is separated from G-d. This is why G-d was so concerned with them taking spouses from the other nations. Thie whole thing is the reason for the prophets anger in Ezra 9:10-15, 10 and Nehemiah 13:23-27
9. Loss of favor--Favor has to do with preferential treatment--Deut 24:1-2
You cannot be married to someone without favor. It is what causes us to choose a mate in the first place. We desire someone over everyone else.
You cannot be married to someone without favor. It is what causes us to choose a mate in the first place. We desire someone over everyone else.
10. Incompatibility--The origin is essentially from you not liking the person.
This would also bring us to point...
This would also bring us to point...
11. Perpetual Division-- G-d has called us to peace so when you can't agree on anything, there is no peace. Amos 2:3, Proverbs 21:9, 19
12. Due benevolence--No sex. Sex is a prerequisite for being able to avoid fornication.
13. When your spouse is hard hearted/not pliable. Meaning you cannot reason with them. Matthew 19:8
14. Sexual Perversion--Having sex with the wrong people. The marriage bed is undefiled and the things that defile a bed are found in Deut 27:20-23
I said all that to point out the real valid reasons for divorce.
I had no idea! I can't begin to tell you how many years of guilt that I have endured because of my divorce. Not to mention, how guilty my own church family made me feel. This was a real eye-opener. Thank you!
Posted by
chele |
2:30 PM
@Chele... I felt the same way you did for a while, until I took a most exceptional 8 week divorce recovery class a couple of years ago at my current church. They really went into detail there concerning much of what Chosen has written here.
I walked around with so much guilt not because of the divorce, but because it looked like a floodgate of blessings open up on me once I got the divorce. All guilty because I was divorced, yet happy and needs were being met. I was thankful, but confused. Isn't God suppose to shun me because I got a divorce?
Man! I wish more churches would deal with the needs of the ENTIRE congregation. Then so many of us would not have to spend any amount of time caught up in guilt and bondage, you know...
Thanks Chosen, for that post. It was very informative and very much needed. Nothing like good God-given answers to such hard and misunderstood subject matter.
Posted by
LadyLee |
7:54 PM