What is "Saved" and other questions...
On my other Blog, T asked the following questions:
What is "saved?" I know it sounds like a simple question, but really, what is it? I supposedly became "saved" when I was a little girl in church...and I think even then my concept of it is as clear as older adults'...that is not clear at all. I think it's become a cliché term that A LOT of people just throw around without defining. What does one become "saved" from?
I always say that I am not an expert because I am not. I also always tell people to pray once they have asked me a question because you need G-d to confirm what anyone tells you. Now I am going to share with you what I know about salvation. I understand the confusion, because back in the day I too was confused. Especially since people went to the altar week after week for the same thing. I am kind of unclear of what you really want to know so I am going to get long-winded, I must warn you.
The word “saved” is the word that we use when we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and repent of your sin--I.E. Salvation. It’s an indication of someone who is in covenant with G-d to inherit the promises that he has given in his word to those that have accepted his son as a sacrifice for all sin--past, present, and future. That’s the short simple version.
Here’s the breakdown:
In the old covenant the a sacrifice on the altar was for the sin of a person, a group and even the nation. It had to be done continually so that the people could have right-standing with G-d.
In the book of Genesis we first encounter the sacrifice of animals when G-d gives unto Adam and Eve the coats of fir. It’s more than a natural covering--something had to die--blood was shed so that life could “covered“ spiritually.
When we see Abraham going to offer Isaac, It’s a parallel to the gift that G-d would give to us.
In Exodus when G-d tells them to take a lamb for every household he was then establishing his covenant with them that death was going to “pass” over their life. Which is the reason for Jesus being called the “Lamb of G-d”. He is the establishment of both our covenant with G-d for eternal life in heaven and he justifies us from our sin.
Every sacrifice in the old testament was really a “practice” of the real deal when Jesus came along. The book of Leviticus details what types of sacrifice was necessary for whatever sin or affliction one could’ve encountered. Again these sacrifices had to be offered yearly and continually. The sacrifices allowed one to be in “right-standing” with G-d. But with Jesus, his blood covered all sin, death, sickness, and poverty. That’s what preaching the gospel is all about. Letting people know not only what Jesus has done for them as far as eternity (or can do for them) and also the kind of life this allows you to have while still here on earth. Those of us who have accepted the sacrifice of Jesus are considered “saved”, “justified” and the “righteous”.
Justification means to declare a person as innocent from all wrong because one that really was innocent steps in and takes his guilt and gives the one that is guilty his innocence. There is a difference between being forgiven and being justified. Being forgiven implies that I’m guilty and there won’t be any punishment for my actions. Justification clears you as if you never sinned in the first place. Accepting the sacrifice of Jesus, allows G-d to see us as justified.
Righteousness is simply the place that we have with G-d as a result of again, accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior. We are in right-standing with G-d. Meaning we have the ability to request the things that he promised us as a result of us coming into covenant with him through the sacrifice of Jesus.
Covenant is a binding agreement between 2 or more people. When you enter into covenant you have to understand that you’ll have to deal with some restrictions and some obligations. Meaning there are some things that you are expected to do and some things that you are expected not to do. A covenant connects a promise with an oath and it sets it where it is impossible for G-d to get out of doing some things. G-d is a G-d of covenant. He never establishes relationship with a person unless there is a covenant.
The sacrifice of Jesus and our acceptance puts us in covenant with G-d therefore we have rights to the things offered to us through our salvation.
Most people preached salvation when I was first starting out. I had no idea of the “things” that came along with salvation (or being saved). Like health, wealth, peace, joy. People did not tell me that.
You are saved from eternal separation from G-d. You are saved from premature death, illness, poverty.
The problem is that people are neither taught how to obtain the promises of G-d for themselves. They don’t know how to use their faith to get these things to show up in their life. That’s why people die broke, from illnesses, etc. you have to first know it’s available to you, then learn how to obtain it. Faith is the key to all of the promises. Real faith. Not saying you have faith or you really believe. Saying it does not mean you really believe it because if you really believe it you would have what ever you asked for (mark 9:23, 11:23). People don’t know that believing is work. You have to sow the word of G-d, read it, hear it and speak it until belief is established.
(There’s a lot more to that I don’t have time to go into it now).
If it's sin, why are folks still sinning?
First of all, being saved and living saved are two totally different things. Salvation comes with repentance as well. That means there is some change. You should be diligently working on doing things the way that G-d would have you to do them. Old things should be passing away. You may have some setbacks here and there, but you are doing more than saying something. Saying you are saved without the actions, is just spouting some words.
People continue to sin because before you can stop anything without having to first be taught how to be delivered from those things. There is a lack of teaching in this area and a lack of the anointing in the church that destroys these yokes. People equate the anointing with shouting and noise--that’s not it. The anointing leads to deliverance. It leads to repentance.
If it's sadness, why are there so many sad Christians?
The emotional state of people is no indication of what G-d can do. People are sad for a multitude of reasons. I can’t begin to speculate about that. Many people are sad because they live in condemnation. They have allowed the devil to make them feel guilty over past deeds and they have no true understanding of G-d’s forgiveness nor what salvation has given to them. I have to add here that Satan is the tempter for you to do those things in the first place. It’s weird then how we allow him to make us feel bad over something that he first suggested that we acted on. G-d has forgiven people, but they then can’t forgive themselves.
Maybe they are sad because they don’t know how to get the word to show up in their lives. Who knows. People are ill-taught and so they are bound my a multitude of things.
If it's ignorance, why are there so many confused Christians?
Ignorance is due to the fact that there are simply too many denominations who are teaching too many different things. There really needs to be a sense of unity with the church because it was never intended for things to be this way. People need to be delivered and set free. But the church is worried about which denomination is right. How about we all get on the same page, believe what the word says and stop allowing competition separate us from G-d’s original purpose? I often wonder what it would be like to wake up with every one believing the truth--on the same page--without the competition--what miracles could we do? How we could change the world…
People are ignorant because they listen to the pastor and never read and study for themselves. They are ignorant because they fail to allow G-d to teach them hat they want to know for the lack of asking. G-d will tell you anything you want to know as it relates to his word and your life. You simply have to be willing to take the time to get to know him and be willing to spend some time in his word. The reason people believe a perversion I.e. false doctrine/religions is because most people simply can’t believe that coming, serving, and knowing G-d is as easy as the word says. People want the easiest way that they can continue to do what they want to do without real lasting change.
With all that said, I hope I was clear enough to answer your questions.
Be Blessed.
What is "saved?" I know it sounds like a simple question, but really, what is it? I supposedly became "saved" when I was a little girl in church...and I think even then my concept of it is as clear as older adults'...that is not clear at all. I think it's become a cliché term that A LOT of people just throw around without defining. What does one become "saved" from?
I always say that I am not an expert because I am not. I also always tell people to pray once they have asked me a question because you need G-d to confirm what anyone tells you. Now I am going to share with you what I know about salvation. I understand the confusion, because back in the day I too was confused. Especially since people went to the altar week after week for the same thing. I am kind of unclear of what you really want to know so I am going to get long-winded, I must warn you.
The word “saved” is the word that we use when we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and repent of your sin--I.E. Salvation. It’s an indication of someone who is in covenant with G-d to inherit the promises that he has given in his word to those that have accepted his son as a sacrifice for all sin--past, present, and future. That’s the short simple version.
Here’s the breakdown:
In the old covenant the a sacrifice on the altar was for the sin of a person, a group and even the nation. It had to be done continually so that the people could have right-standing with G-d.
In the book of Genesis we first encounter the sacrifice of animals when G-d gives unto Adam and Eve the coats of fir. It’s more than a natural covering--something had to die--blood was shed so that life could “covered“ spiritually.
When we see Abraham going to offer Isaac, It’s a parallel to the gift that G-d would give to us.
In Exodus when G-d tells them to take a lamb for every household he was then establishing his covenant with them that death was going to “pass” over their life. Which is the reason for Jesus being called the “Lamb of G-d”. He is the establishment of both our covenant with G-d for eternal life in heaven and he justifies us from our sin.
Every sacrifice in the old testament was really a “practice” of the real deal when Jesus came along. The book of Leviticus details what types of sacrifice was necessary for whatever sin or affliction one could’ve encountered. Again these sacrifices had to be offered yearly and continually. The sacrifices allowed one to be in “right-standing” with G-d. But with Jesus, his blood covered all sin, death, sickness, and poverty. That’s what preaching the gospel is all about. Letting people know not only what Jesus has done for them as far as eternity (or can do for them) and also the kind of life this allows you to have while still here on earth. Those of us who have accepted the sacrifice of Jesus are considered “saved”, “justified” and the “righteous”.
Justification means to declare a person as innocent from all wrong because one that really was innocent steps in and takes his guilt and gives the one that is guilty his innocence. There is a difference between being forgiven and being justified. Being forgiven implies that I’m guilty and there won’t be any punishment for my actions. Justification clears you as if you never sinned in the first place. Accepting the sacrifice of Jesus, allows G-d to see us as justified.
Righteousness is simply the place that we have with G-d as a result of again, accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior. We are in right-standing with G-d. Meaning we have the ability to request the things that he promised us as a result of us coming into covenant with him through the sacrifice of Jesus.
Covenant is a binding agreement between 2 or more people. When you enter into covenant you have to understand that you’ll have to deal with some restrictions and some obligations. Meaning there are some things that you are expected to do and some things that you are expected not to do. A covenant connects a promise with an oath and it sets it where it is impossible for G-d to get out of doing some things. G-d is a G-d of covenant. He never establishes relationship with a person unless there is a covenant.
The sacrifice of Jesus and our acceptance puts us in covenant with G-d therefore we have rights to the things offered to us through our salvation.
Most people preached salvation when I was first starting out. I had no idea of the “things” that came along with salvation (or being saved). Like health, wealth, peace, joy. People did not tell me that.
You are saved from eternal separation from G-d. You are saved from premature death, illness, poverty.
The problem is that people are neither taught how to obtain the promises of G-d for themselves. They don’t know how to use their faith to get these things to show up in their life. That’s why people die broke, from illnesses, etc. you have to first know it’s available to you, then learn how to obtain it. Faith is the key to all of the promises. Real faith. Not saying you have faith or you really believe. Saying it does not mean you really believe it because if you really believe it you would have what ever you asked for (mark 9:23, 11:23). People don’t know that believing is work. You have to sow the word of G-d, read it, hear it and speak it until belief is established.
(There’s a lot more to that I don’t have time to go into it now).
If it's sin, why are folks still sinning?
First of all, being saved and living saved are two totally different things. Salvation comes with repentance as well. That means there is some change. You should be diligently working on doing things the way that G-d would have you to do them. Old things should be passing away. You may have some setbacks here and there, but you are doing more than saying something. Saying you are saved without the actions, is just spouting some words.
People continue to sin because before you can stop anything without having to first be taught how to be delivered from those things. There is a lack of teaching in this area and a lack of the anointing in the church that destroys these yokes. People equate the anointing with shouting and noise--that’s not it. The anointing leads to deliverance. It leads to repentance.
If it's sadness, why are there so many sad Christians?
The emotional state of people is no indication of what G-d can do. People are sad for a multitude of reasons. I can’t begin to speculate about that. Many people are sad because they live in condemnation. They have allowed the devil to make them feel guilty over past deeds and they have no true understanding of G-d’s forgiveness nor what salvation has given to them. I have to add here that Satan is the tempter for you to do those things in the first place. It’s weird then how we allow him to make us feel bad over something that he first suggested that we acted on. G-d has forgiven people, but they then can’t forgive themselves.
Maybe they are sad because they don’t know how to get the word to show up in their lives. Who knows. People are ill-taught and so they are bound my a multitude of things.
If it's ignorance, why are there so many confused Christians?
Ignorance is due to the fact that there are simply too many denominations who are teaching too many different things. There really needs to be a sense of unity with the church because it was never intended for things to be this way. People need to be delivered and set free. But the church is worried about which denomination is right. How about we all get on the same page, believe what the word says and stop allowing competition separate us from G-d’s original purpose? I often wonder what it would be like to wake up with every one believing the truth--on the same page--without the competition--what miracles could we do? How we could change the world…
People are ignorant because they listen to the pastor and never read and study for themselves. They are ignorant because they fail to allow G-d to teach them hat they want to know for the lack of asking. G-d will tell you anything you want to know as it relates to his word and your life. You simply have to be willing to take the time to get to know him and be willing to spend some time in his word. The reason people believe a perversion I.e. false doctrine/religions is because most people simply can’t believe that coming, serving, and knowing G-d is as easy as the word says. People want the easiest way that they can continue to do what they want to do without real lasting change.
With all that said, I hope I was clear enough to answer your questions.
Be Blessed.
Wow, thanks so much! This was great! When/if you do get your own ministry, I suggest you start with this basic "what is 'saved'" idea. I know it will help a lot of folks like it has helped me...wow.
But I'll be waiting for more on this:
"The problem is that people are neither taught how to obtain the promises of G-d for themselves..."
Now THAT'S a sermon I need to hear, lol!
But thanks again!
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:23 AM
Hi. I cant read yr response because of the font color.
Posted by
editor |
8:47 PM
Awesome, awesome, awesome. That had to be the best bare bones explanation of salvation that I have ever heard.
You know, we are thinking along the same lines... I myself go to a very good church that delves into the word, and most importantly, emphasizes on us delving into the word and allowing God to teach us...THAT is a lot of the problem right there: we don't take the necessary time to get into the word... thus, all the competition, confusion, paranoia, and lack of manisfestations of the gifts of the spirit in today's church. ~sigh~
Great post, Chosen... Your anointing is something that I am honored to partake of and receive from
Posted by
LadyLee |
7:43 AM
Ok, can you explain to me what exactly "anoiting" is?
Posted by
Serenity3-0 |
5:48 PM
The anointing is the power of G-d to operate in the gifts that he has placed within you. The gifts of the spirit need the anointing that comes from the Holy Spirit to be effective. When It's able to operate within a church it destroys yokes and removes heavy burdens. It works repentence.
I thank you that see it, because In my mind, I am simply relaying what I have been taught by The Holy Spirit and my Spiritual Father. Thank You thoug. It's encouraging.
Posted by
Chosen |
3:04 PM
I must say that i agree with your definition regarding Saved. When our pastor ask if someone wants to be saved he always defines it similar to how just did. Great post....
Posted by
My-Conscience |
10:52 AM
This was a fantastic post!!
I was so blessed-as I often am by BOTH of your blogs!
Posted by
Sangindiva |
11:24 PM