Man of the house…your purpose for waiting on G-d’s chosen.
What constitutes a good man? Is it merely that he loves you, is a good father, pays his bills on time, has a good job and is responsible? By the world’s standard, yes. You can find all of that in plenty of men. My step-Father was all of that but he neither G-dly nor saved. In fact he drank every single day and rarely spent anytime with me as a child. He operated as he did out of morality not direction from G-d. But in the kingdom, a good man must be all of that but love G-d first! G-d desires a G-dly man for his daughters. A king. Someone who will seek him for wisdom and direction. A man that will spend time in his presence on a daily basis so that he is able to be the priest of his home. I hear Christian women hooking up with unsaved men all the time, which wouldn’t be a problem if they are open to the word and open to seeking a relationship with G-d. That should all take place prior to getting married over a period of time. I say over a period of time because true change happens over time-not instantly. If you look in the bible, any man G-d chose to use in the bible, he allowed time to process him. Waiting on G-d’s chosen is about both people being prepared mentally, physically, spiritually. Proverbs 20:21 says that an inheritance gained prematurely will not be blessed ultimately.(Holman Christian Standard Version)Getting a spouse is an inheritance in the sense that you get him and all the blessings as well as the negative things.
As I previously stated, your husband is your priest. That means he should be able to lay hands on you and cast out illness, he has the wisdom of what to do when you face lack shortage and insufficiency in your home. He is responsible for teaching you and guiding you and your children in spiritual things. How can a saved woman plan to do that without a G-dly man? The word says that man is the glory of G-d (1 Corin 11:7). I love that verse 9 reminds us that women were created for the man. Not every man--the man that G-d has chosen. When G-d got ready to give Adam a helpmeet he went back to the man and found in him the woman that he was going to give to him. That in itself is something to think about.
It takes a woman of character, quality and strength to wait on whom G-d has chosen for her.
As I previously stated, your husband is your priest. That means he should be able to lay hands on you and cast out illness, he has the wisdom of what to do when you face lack shortage and insufficiency in your home. He is responsible for teaching you and guiding you and your children in spiritual things. How can a saved woman plan to do that without a G-dly man? The word says that man is the glory of G-d (1 Corin 11:7). I love that verse 9 reminds us that women were created for the man. Not every man--the man that G-d has chosen. When G-d got ready to give Adam a helpmeet he went back to the man and found in him the woman that he was going to give to him. That in itself is something to think about.
It takes a woman of character, quality and strength to wait on whom G-d has chosen for her.
Any woman can find a man--they are a dime a dozen on any street corner. As G-dly women, we must aspire to a higher standard. A man with no job or who’s on a bicycle should not to even partake of a glance nor answer from you. I’m not telling you not to be pleasant or to be uppity. Far from it. I mean not exchanging numbers. Some of us need to stop lying saying we are not looking for a husband when we are looking for a man. Because if he does things that you wouldn’t want your husband to do, why waste your time? Our time is the most valuable commodity G-d has given to us.
You are looking for a king that G-d has chosen and anointed for you. You are looking for provision, protection, and preservation. Not every man can keep the curse from entering your home, recognize a spirit on someone, choose a place to live where G-d has designated because you can’t live everywhere contrary to popular belief. G-d is a G-d of places. Satan has territory and you a need a man that can see that with his spirit and not his eyes! It’s not about an area being ghetto, it’s about strongholds! Can he pray fast and consecrate himself to G-d waiting on answer vital to your existence? Can he make decisions impregnated with the wisdom of G-d and the direction of G-d? These are things you need to think about.
Women with children have even more to think about. The man in your life enlarges the circle of influence around you as well as your children. You can’t pick whoever because this is someone who will have access to your children and who brings in his family and friends to your lives as well. As a woman who as a child was subject to things due to this, as a woman I implore you to remember that. You will need a man who can minister to children and teach them the word and raise them up to not only affiliate themselves with “Church”, but cause them to KNOW G-d. There is a major difference. Knowing him is the difference between deliverance and being bound, knowing him is the difference between watching your kids stray in rebellion to being able to pray them back into the kingdom, praying them out of trouble and keeping them from the hands of the enemy.
Because this man will have the authority in the home, you will need to understand that your submission will be vital to things running in order. Without submission, things can be cursed. Submission should come easy if you are with G-d’s chosen. You don’t however submit to any man. The scripture says as he is to G-d. If he’s not submitted to G-d why would you submit? You wouldn’t submit to someone who is not in the word, because G-d and his word are one, who doesn’t pray because he’s not communicating with G-d or with someone who is not in a church or faithful to one--why because we are not supposed to forsake the assembling ourselves (Heb 10:5), G-d has given to all of us a pastor (Jer 3:15). These are all things to consider while waiting on G-d’s chosen to find you. Waiting for who G-d has us will renew our strength and enable us to not be weary. Just something to think about.
**Even if I get on your last nerves over here--at least I'm giving you something to think about. Of course you have to wonder why you keep coming over here if I get on your nerves so bad. Your spirit still likes the truth--it's your flesh that hates it.**
Be Blessed.
Chosen. The woman's anointing on Sunday--I promise.
Did you read the post I did on Wednesday called "Do You Know What You Want?" It spoke all about what I wanted in a husband. It's funny to come and read this and some of the concepts are the same. I wholeheartedly agree. And I have to tell you, I have met a few guys who would make great husbands by the world standards, but they just could not be the spiritual head. I chose to let them find someone else b/c I wasn't willing to compromise on that one. I felt that was the most important quality.
Posted by
Serenity3-0 |
3:47 PM
Your **** is funny.
That's truth. Submitting to a man who truly submits to God is not a big deal. You can trust him and you don't need to fight his decisions.
I think we've gotten wrapped up in college educated, earns as much or more than us, homeowner, and the other material and earthly fixings and we've forgetten the spiritual which is greater than the material.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:56 PM
This was a very truthful post, Chosen... This post confirms a lot of things that God has been dealing with me about. I hate to say it, but it took me a long time to understand some things I wish I would have understood at age 18 or even at age 15. Yeah, that man may look good from the outside: nice job, nice car, nice looks, put together so well... But doggonit, it would mean more to me if he can take me by the hands and pray with me and get in agreement with me over some challenges I am dealing with. It would mean more to me if he reads his bible and prays AND gets answers to his prayers.
Funny how when you get into the word, you begin to notice AND understand what is REALLY important... go figure...
Posted by
LadyLee |
9:28 AM