A question…and a couple of other notes
T asked…
Is there any spiritual/religious advice you can lend for someone who knows their challenge but continue to struggle with it? Is there some scripture or something that will help break the bind once and for all? The challenge can be anything, for some it's alcoholism, others it's sex, and the list goes on. For me, it's people, i.e. how to deal with them and have strong relationships. Intimacy/realness/courage to be vulnerable is my challenge. I know it's a heavy order, lol, but just wondering if the Good Book addresses something like that...
Is there any spiritual/religious advice you can lend for someone who knows their challenge but continue to struggle with it? Is there some scripture or something that will help break the bind once and for all? The challenge can be anything, for some it's alcoholism, others it's sex, and the list goes on. For me, it's people, i.e. how to deal with them and have strong relationships. Intimacy/realness/courage to be vulnerable is my challenge. I know it's a heavy order, lol, but just wondering if the Good Book addresses something like that...
Not really any advice so much as to say that what I have learned is trust is earned. You do not automatically trust anyone just because they show up in our lives. I have done that too many times to count and I have been burned as a result. But society tells us that we should give a person the benefit of the doubt until they do something. Well, I adhered to that (and surely I’m not the only one) and I have hated the day that I did. I have learned to trust him in that area first. The word tells us that if acknowledge him first and he’ll direct us. Whenever I meet people now, that’s what I do. He has never failed to tell me whether or not to go forward in the relationship and he has been faithful to never let fail as long as I trust him. The Bible says that we have a unction to know all things (1 John 2:22). You know how you meet someone and automatically you really don’t like them? They said something or they did something and you just knew. But everyone else liked them, so we tend to go against it because we feel like we haven’t given a person a chance, but that’s G-d attempting to warn us. That’s your unction. After you see what you see, ask G-d to confirm it. Believe it or not, he warns us before we enter in with people. Usually we miss it and we when look back it was clear.
But in general to overcome challenges, write the book of Deuteronomy. You would be amazed at how well it works. Write/type your own personal copy and read it(Deuteronomy 17:18-20). I know what it sounds like but, it works. Take your time and write. It was addressed for kings and revelation 1 does say that we are kings and priests. I also have to state the anointing in our church should be enough to cause deliverance in us. If we struggle, it’s either our lack of application of what we are being taught or we have outgrown the place. The word in a place should both stretch us and challenge us to grow. The level of word should teach us new things that we never saw and the revelation there should be enough to fight any battle with.
Now I know this is weird, but I don’t tend to invite too many people to my church. Only people that are truly hungry for the word, relationship with G-d and real change in their lives. If you come because you heard he’s a multimillionaire, a prophet, that he buys houses and cars for people in his congregation he’ll quickly read your spirit and you won’t stay anyway. Anyone still doing things the old way like in the life they were supposed to have given up, won’t last nor be comfortable unless they CHANGE. When I first went, he had the word but he was hitting me so hard personally that I left angry. But I was ready for change. Secretly I loved him--I had never heard such a word before. Nothing like it on TV or anywhere. But my FLESH. I had to go 2 more times before I knew he was the one. G-d confirmed and I have never been more blessed and never so attacked either. The enemy fights your change with attacks. He figures that you’ll give up and go back to the old way. I decided to go on through. The change in me and my walk is on a higher level.
So I have learned that everyone won’t enjoy a prophetic anointing. Too personal. He’ll tear your mess up! With that said, I have to tell you that I have been a member of the biggest C.OG.IC ministry here--2 years and then one of the largest Nondenominational churches here- 3 years. Just a little time with G-d and I found out how G-d really viewed things. I had no lasting changes at either place. Good little shouting messages--but still struggling at home. My point, It takes getting to the right place for real deliverance to break out in our lives. Ask anyone who has found their place and they will tell you the same. And even then, it’s a process.
So I have learned that everyone won’t enjoy a prophetic anointing. Too personal. He’ll tear your mess up! With that said, I have to tell you that I have been a member of the biggest C.OG.IC ministry here--2 years and then one of the largest Nondenominational churches here- 3 years. Just a little time with G-d and I found out how G-d really viewed things. I had no lasting changes at either place. Good little shouting messages--but still struggling at home. My point, It takes getting to the right place for real deliverance to break out in our lives. Ask anyone who has found their place and they will tell you the same. And even then, it’s a process.
Be Blessed.
Serenity's tithing question and singles--tomorrow.
Is your church small, medium or large? Just wondering b/c I go to a rather large church and I have never said two words to my Pastor.
Posted by
Serenity3-0 |
4:44 PM
There are probaly not more than 200 people at this location. Except for the two times that he has prophesied to first my daughter and my husband--and then recently about house, I have never said nothing either. That's just the way his anointing works. He has discernment of spirits. He feels like he can read your mind or that he's been in your house. But that's a prophetic anointing. If you are ever this way, I'd invite you. You'd love it!
Posted by
Chosen |
6:19 PM
Thanks for the words Chosen, I'll try to implement that writing thing, though I have to admit I'm "lazy" in the Christian work department. I just am. I tried at the beginning of the year to do better about reading, etc., our pastor even gave out a "Read the whole Bible this year date guideline"...I did it for like the first week and stopped. :( So funny thing is as I'm writing this, I'm starting to see part of what could be the problem: not being dedicated enough. In all honesty, I don't think I've EVER been fully engaged in anything...in church I just go on Sundays, maybe a Wednesday here or there but nothing more...at school even in the organizations I was in, I wouldn't make all the meetings, same for orgs I'm in as an adult...so yeah I gotta get on the good foot before complaining about not getting permanant results, lol...thanks again!
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:06 AM
Diligence is hard on a lot of us because it takes a while before we see actual results. But they come with time and they end up being worth all the hard work,
Posted by
Chosen |
9:46 AM