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Question and Answer Wednesday...

Have any questions? Feel free to leave them.

I will be on consecration for 12 hours today (6 a.m.-6 p.m.) and will not get back to them until this evening.

Be Blessed.

I got a question... Where is today's post?

Is there any spiritual/religious advice you can lend for someone who knows their challenge but continue to struggle with it? Is there some scripture or something that will help break the bind once and for all? The challenge can be anything, for some it's alcoholism, others it's sex, and the list goes on. For me, it's people, i.e. how to deal with them and have strong relationships. Intimacy/realness/courage to be vulnerable is my challenge. I know it's a heavy order, lol, but just wondering if the Good Book addresses something like that...


I have a question. I get people all the time trying to tell me that they don't give tithes b/c of crooked ministers, etc. And most times I let it go out one ear. But what are your thoughts on tithing w/time versus money. I am of the belief you should do both. But what about those who believe you can do either or?

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